Friday, February 7, 2020

NO WARNING - the sky is falling!

"Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving..." Colossians 4:2

It was like pages out of one of our library books, "The Sky is Falling!".  But what we were experiencing was not fiction; it was a NON fiction situation.  The first alerts of a tornado warning went off on cell phones.  A visiting volunteer tapped my shoulder to show me her phone and asked what to do.  Before i could call the office, an announcement over the intercom directed us to follow tornado warning procedures. It was already upon us.  After a few numbing seconds trying to digest our situation, the powerful winds slung open our courtyard door  exposing the ferociously pounding rain, which look like a opaque white sheet, we went into emergency response. What felt like minutes, was actually seconds. Quickly we gathered and herded our mixed guests --  a group of first and second graders checking out, a parent volunteer tutoring and our guest storytelling speaker -- into our identified secure location.

I have no doubt what we spent doing in our holding cell was exactly what teachers all over our school and other affected schools were doing... soothing and comforting frighten children, hugging and loving them, reassuring them we were all fine and safe.  Keeping the anxiety under control for about 2 hours in a holding pattern, took a believable and visible presence of calmness and strength from teachers, staffers and administrators.  

We think, plan, practice and know what to do in case of an emergency.  And when that time actually comes, the best tool for survival is the training, practice and knowledge.  Did everything go perfectly? Probably not. But thankfully all are safe, and areas that might need attention or revision have a chance to be identified and improved before another possible encounter.

Father, thank You for Your protection of lives.  Our prayers are with those suffering from the aftermath of yesterday.  We trust You will see them and us through it all. Yesterday was a reminder storms and events can occur at any time, without any or little notice. 

Father, thank You for truly giving us what we need.  Due to knowledge and proper procedures we have the ability to reduce damage, pain and death.  We are called to be prepared, not only for storms on earth, but for the return of our Savior. Your Word tells us, Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming. 

Like the storm we experienced yesterday, unexpected and sudden, we want to be prepared for His sudden return too.  And like yesterday, may our hearts and ways not just help prepare ourselves, but because we are witnesses for Him and His Love for us, help others to be prepared too.

Be safe... know and tell.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live like we believe it,

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