Tuesday, November 3, 2020

who will win?

But suppose he wins?

"For the Lord Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him?  His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?" Isaiah 14:27

Can God work through him?

I know that You can do all things; no purpose of Yours can be thwarted." Job 42:2

God's Will will be done.

This election has been unlike any other... and not in a positive way.  I, like many, will be glad when it's over.  Being so close to the end, i didn't think i could feel any worse, but the news last night changed that as they spoke of pending riots after the elections.  People have boarded up their businesses anticipating the violence in some cities. With all the tension and conflicting claims and promises, who can we truly count on? How will we survive the chaos if "he" wins?  No matter who is elected, i am seeking and resting on the final actions from a higher Source.

Regardless of any uncertainty i have concerning our elected leaders, there is one issue i am completely confident in with our country's elections.  God can and will use whoever is elected for His Will.  We only need to consult His Word to remember He used the godly, the ugly, the enemy, the weak, the coward, the arrogant, and various others to accomplish His plan.  The type of character used might change His method in accomplishing His Will, but when all is said and done, His plan will prevail. There might be a crumbling before a rebuilding. God uses terrible circumstances (or people), as well as, good ones to move His plans forward.  

Friends, God is still in control, and His Will will be done... no matter who we vote into office. And in that, may we find peace and rest. For me, in difficult seasons like now, i am forced to print on my forehead and heart in permanent ink... "And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."  In that Truth it boils down to just one question... do we love God enough to believe Him?

Prayers for our country and for our leaders.  Let us trust God and His perfect plan.   He's got us in His capable, loving Hands.

we are loved and chosen by God,

may we live like we believe it,


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