Wednesday, February 26, 2025

sidelined but not forgotten

"May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had..." Romans 15:5

Book Fair, one of my favorite events, is in full swing at my old home.  I couldn't just ignore it, but how would it feel on the sideline and not a major player? Could i stay in my lane as a volunteer?

Just two seconds there, and i knew.  Feeling most welcomed and wanted, i was able to touch, feel, see and be a part of what still matters to me.  Contributing without controlling was possible and fun.

I got to embrace and enJOY Book Fair for everything i love....  a tremendous selection of books for all ages, excited students shopping for themselves and others, parents already in for multiple visits, teachers registering for book wishes to get for their classroom with the opportunity of getting one and likely more FREE, and the tradition of ALL students receiving at least one book.

And i must say, students still win the prize for premier inspiration.  Watching them pool money together to help a classmate buy a book, buying a book for their teacher or donating part of their own money to the "books4all" wins the JOY crown.   

What is there not to love??  It's obviously still true, Book Fair week is a favorite week at school filled with a special giving and care ... and in this highly techy age that is amazing. 

When kindness sprinkles into your days like this, hope fills your heart for today and for the future.

Kindness wins and covers exhaustion, stress, fear, anxiety, doubt, uncertainties and more.  Be the blanket someone needs today.  Then, snuggle up with a Good Book, and thank God for our blessings.

Be kind and compassionate to one another...

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

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