Friday, June 21, 2019


"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

Location, location, location. Any realtor will tell you that is one of most important elements considered in choosing a home.  Same is true for bird homes. Having dogs and cats in our yard, my husband carefully thought out and planned for the safest, most perfect location to place a bird house. Once decided, he nailed the home high in a quiet back corner; quickly a happy couple moved in. 
Daily Don watched the pair of bluebirds build their nest; soon 5 eggs completed their family. Once hatched the devoted pair busily flew to and fro feeding the hungry crew. Don's nightly reports on their progress were like a proud granddad's.  But excitement turned into grave concern earlier this week after he spotted a snake in our yard.  As vigilant as the the parent birds (and my husband) were in protecting the babies, they lost the battle.  

Like a thief in the night, the babies were snatched.  Hearing the parents screech out and seeing them search frantically for their missing babies, was gut-wrenching and too much to bare. Sleepless nights, nightmares, disbelief, heartaches and tears flooded two homes... the bluebirds and ours.

Snatched -- by death
Snatched -- by a toxic relationship
Snatched -- by a poor decision
Snatched -- by deception
Snatched -- by an accident
Snatched -- by a  lie
Snatched -- by a mistake
Snatched -- by abandonment
Snatched -- by sickness
Snatched -- by an unexpected event
Snatched -- by a stinking snake

Father, oh, how it hurts when we or a loved one is snatched of the life known or of the future planned.  Sometimes we see it coming and then sometimes we are blindsided.  YET, whatever the cause or reason, we must look to and trust You for healing, guidance and comfort.  No matter how well we try and protect our heart, mind and soul from hardships and hurt, slithering snakes will show up and cross the safety barriers we have erected.  So when it happens and we get our shocking screams out, i pray Your love, strength and wisdom rapidly fill in the gaping hole of our heart.  Direct us to bolder and stronger ways... direct us to You.  Help us to remember Your promises, including the one to work ALL things to the good to those who love You.  All glory and honor to You, Father, may we be a witness to that in all things.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live like we believe it,

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