Monday, July 1, 2019

tag team

"Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor." Ecclesiastes 4:9

Over the past few days, there has been a flurry of activity in my backyard.  The pair of bluebirds are fully committed to rebuilding their nest.  But i must say, their plan of action has been an interesting one to me.  Initially, both birds scurried all around and in the house, checking and rechecking it for safety.  Finally when convinced it was secure, the male placed twigs down for a foundation while the female "supervised". 
Then, it appeared they switched roles.  In a maddening pace, she gathered and placed bedding in for the nest.  Perched on the backboard and snacking, the male resumed the supervising role.  

Without a tweet, they worked smoothly, quickly and quietly on their nest, with an unspoken understanding of their roles. I never heard them squawk nor saw their feathers ruffled. Much to my delight, the tag-teaming, nest-building plan worked for them.  Now i hope to wait, watch and enjoy the fruit of their labor and love.
Thank you Father, for the lessons from your little bluebirds. Their tenacity to continue together in the face of hardship and heartache is encouraging, and a reminder that together we can accomplish more than when alone. With You as our Mighty Father, no matter what we encounter, we still have reason to sing and a job to do, while bringing glory to You.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live like we believe it,

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