Friday, May 21, 2021

i promise...

"Not one of all the LORD's good promises to Israel (your name) failed; every one was (is) fulfilled." Joshua 21:45

Her note promised it was the last thing she needed printed... but i knew better.  School is ending soon, and the only thing for certain is changes occur.  I couldn't help but smile at her note because in her heart i felt she knew it was a promise that would likely not stick.  After all, she wrote the note in pencil, not ink, and she sent more paper to me than was required for her print job.  She unconsciously seemed to be preparing for the unexpected. 

Promises... who can keep them? I sure have issues with them.  Time after time, i find myself in the ditch of regret and failure, breaking promises to others.  Yet, my greatest regret comes from promises i make to God. Promises of change, improvement, patience, giving, understanding and more.  How He must shake His ever-loving, wise head with my promises, knowing all my weaknesses and frailties.  Yet, He loves me still.

So, who can keep promises every time and always?  I know of only One. God.  Promises to His children are etched in ink. They cannot be erased, deleted or forgotten. His promises of love, forgiveness, purpose, guidance, strength, eternity, freedom, peace, comfort, hope are unending and rock solid. The Bible actually contains over 7,000 promises from God to His children.  God is consistent, and faithful; He is not changing His plan. 

The promise made to me yesterday was broken within 10 minutes -- not once, but twice. But that's far less than the number of broken promises God has endured from me, and more than the number of promises God has broken to me -- NONE.

"For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God." 2 Corinthians 1:20

Thank You, Father.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

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