Monday, November 8, 2021

do you know my story?

"He will cover you with His pinions, And under His wings you may seek refuge; His faithfulness is a shield and bulwark." Psalm 91:4

Ten years ago, i was diagnosed with a brain tumor. As i reflect on this event, i recount the faithfulness of a God, we sometimes dismiss as distant, uncaring or slack in answering our needs.  Yet, He has saved me not just once (on the cross) but numerous times.  

For those who don't know my story, i have summarized it below.

As God would have it, while walking my dogs, i took a nasty, hard fall.  A trip to the emergency room confirmed i had a concussion, but also revealed i had a rare brain tumor.  As God would have it, the physicians at both local hospitals admitted they were not the best choice for treatment. As God would have it, the local neurosurgeon spoke of a neurosurgeon in our state, Dr. William Vandergrift, as best qualified for cases like mine. As God would have it, i was whisked to MUSC in Charleston for emergency surgery, where God placed me in the hands of the doctor on call...  Dr. Vandergrift, a truly godly, humble man. Dr. V. led a talented team through 3 critical surgeries on me during the next two weeks. As God would have it, one of my nurses happened to be a former member of my home church, providing additional peace of mind and comfort. As God would have it, i returned home just in time to celebrate Thanksgiving and in time healed enough to return to work. As God would have it, i have not suffered from any long-term side effects, and i am truly a living miracle. My story could have ended differently and that would have been okay.  But as God would have it, He is not finished with me yet... i have a story of wonder and thankfulness, a story to share, a story to remind others His faithfulness is up-close and personal to all!

I don't remember all the details from 10 years ago, but i do remember some significant factors.  Things like, the unending comfort and support of loved ones by my side.  The unexpected visit of a cousin and friend's son, triggering an acute awareness i might actually die. A surgeon discussing in length the seriousness and risk of my condition and surgery. But what i recall most vividly is the complete inner peace. "Peace at a time like that?" you might ask.  Yes -- very strange because i love and cherish my family and friends tremendously.  During those days of questionable health, i couldn't grasp how i felt so peaceful. Having no panic or fear of my outcome, i was prepared to accept whatever fate God deemed right.  There can only be one answer for such indescribable peace... i was witnessing and living God's love, mercy and grace, up close and personal.  It's a peace that can only be contributed to a relationship, dependency and faith in God.
It's a busy week of remembering for me; but what a perfect prelude for the Thanksgiving season. As God would have it, we all have an abundance to be thankful for daily. Thank You, God, for miracles everyday... large and small.

What's your story?  Share it; someone needs to hear it.  Spread the Good News! And celebrate the moments, because actually that is all we have... and that is okay.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live like we believe it,

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