Wednesday, June 24, 2015

God's Healing Touch

The psalmist wrote, 
"Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again." Psalm 71:20  (also read:  Psalm 71:17-22)

In light of much pain and hurting in our area, i am sharing a devotion i wrote after the loss of my mother.  God bless all as He brings healing...

Following my mother’s surgery, I returned to work. I thought her recovery was assured. The next day I learned that she awoke asking for me. But before I could return to her, she unexpectedly slipped into a coma and never woke up. We didn’t get to share a last conversation or reminisce about the blessings of our life together and talk about our hopes for the future. I was crushed. I was shocked. I was angry.

We are often told that time will heal grief, but how and with whom we spend our time makes a difference in that healing. Through prayer and reading God’s word, I was able to find direction, strength, and hope in dealing with the pain of my mother’s death. Talking with others who had experienced similar pain also brought comfort. I have also found that living in ways that honor my mother is helpful and meaningful. This practice has placed her in a healthy, wonderful place in my heart.

Thanks to God and faithful friends, my wounds have healed.

Prayer: Dear Father, thank you for providing us with peace in our grief. We seek to be filled with your Spirit always. amen. 

friend, we are loved and chosen by God, 

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