Monday, April 11, 2016

just a taste...

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

Spring Break... a taste of what's to come.  Yummy summer! 

The week was wonderful.  But, gosh! did it leave me hungry for more... more traveling, more visiting, more exploring. Instead of returning home full of energy, excitement and enthusiasm, it intensified my awareness and desire of what's around the corner - Summer. Now the struggle is to complete the task at hand... and with the right spirit. This morning as we pine for those lazy, hazy days on the sunny horizon, i anticipate walking down a relatively quiet hallway while dodging some long faces.

Father, help us to live and enjoy the present moment. We want to serve You today with JOY. Create in me a willing and loving spirit with a heart totally devoted to You, as i anticipate what's to come for this summer and for eternity.

friend, we are loved and chosen  by  God,

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