Tuesday, May 8, 2018

WTLB... push

During this, the last full month of the school year, the word PUSH often maintains a mostly negative connotation.  Teachers, students, and parents all feel a PUSH to complete curriculum requirements and check off a seemingly endless to-do list in order to meet tight deadlines. In order to finish strong, we have to push through a multitude of things we'd rather not do.  PUSH is a force which sometimes makes us want to apply the brakes instead of the accelerator.  
Yet in other contexts, the word PUSH can have a positive connotation.  Doors open when you PUSH.  Babies emerge into the world with a final PUSH.  Little birds learn to fly when their mothers PUSH them from the nest. Someone believes in us enough to give us just the PUSH we need to try something we might not otherwise.

Hebrews 10:24 sums up the positive PUSH we should all be ready to give and receive:  "Let us consider how we may spur [prompt, encourage, urge, stimulate, push] one another on toward love and good deeds..."

May you feel His presence and His peace as you PUSH through this week in His power,

Dalene Parker, guest blogger
Co-author with Linda Gilden, Words to Live By:  One Word a Week 
#wordstoliveby    #push

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live like we believe it,

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