Monday, June 18, 2018

Words to Live By... dance

This week's Word to Live By is DANCE!   That word alone makes me smile, but any attempt on my part to dance usually makes me (and others watching) laugh.  I'm awkward and self-conscious, but I still love music.  Consequently, when I hear a good beat, my hands and feet start tapping or moving even if the rest of me doesn't know how to follow!

However, my favorite memories of "dancing" actually involve roller skating. My dad was an artist on roller skates. Every Friday night of my awkward early teen years, we spent at the skating rink. Daddy's graceful moves to the "slow dance" music would mesmerize the other skaters.  As his dance partner, I felt my clumsiness disappear as I held tightly to his strong arms and cautiously lifted one skate off the floor in keeping with the rhythm.  As my confidence grew, Daddy led me into spins and helped me skate backwards without worrying so much about bumping into someone or falling.

Maybe that's how God wants us to "dance" through each day-- holding tightly to His arms, following His lead, learning to lift our hands and feet, moving backwards or forwards with equal ease.  This week let's purpose to trust Him and enjoy moving alongside Him as he teaches us the next dance move!

Dalene Parker, guest blogger

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