Wednesday, December 9, 2020

what kind of noise is that?

"Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’”  John 20:29

There was a chill in the air and a plethora of loud music that sounded more like screeching owls. Why were they tuning up their musical instruments outside the classroom? I hadn't noticed it before. Yet, i didn't investigate, knowing safety/distance guidelines were in place for many school activities. When i finally walked out in the hallway, what i saw surprised me. There were no students playing instruments in the hall, but construction workers with tools.  

They were busy removing the old doors and installing more efficient ones using very noisy, annoying machinery. The breezeway going to the other building was completely exposed.  Now the chill in the air and odd noise made sense. My surrounding was more tolerable with a sweeter sound knowing it was for a good reason.

Our current turn of events is not pleasing. We yearn for laughter in group gatherings, sharing of scrumptious goodies, loud singing and a heap of hugs. YET, when we consider how fragile life is now with the threat of sickness or worse, the necessity of a quiet, simple CHRISTmas is more tolerable and desirable.  

Joy tip for today:

EnJOY the music/noise from an unexpected source.  It might not be your favorite tune, but you might receive an unexpected blessing from it.

We are living in a temporary season, not a permanent one. I can't see it now, but i'm believing in better seasons to come, i pray you are too. Jesus is still coming.

we are loved and chosen by God,

may we live like we believe it, 


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