Monday, May 13, 2024

are you ok?

 but, God said...

"I will be with you... I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians (or whatever chokes you)." Exodus 3:12, 6:6

Last week was difficult with many different and dramatic dynamics swirling in my life.  Yet, daily God gently wove His love in my tattered, tired heart.  But by the time Mother's Day was here, an emotional yoke laid heavily on my shoulders. How do we serve others when we feel empty? The answer surfaced from church, in the widow of Zarephath lesson (1 Kings 17:7-16).  It reminded me in hard times where the ability to continue comes from.

What yoke are you struggling under?  Sickness, loss of a loved one, termination of a career, end of the school year, financial distress, abandonment, abuse,  relocation?

Life will not always be fine. Some seasons bring events and situations covered in sadness or despair, causing us to feel incapable of functioning. Whether at home or school... with family, friends, coworkers or students... life can take a harsh toil. So, how can we continue when we feel we can't?

We can, because of God.

Father, changes can knock us in the dirt, face first. Yet, You know and prepare the way for our needs. Things will not always be fine, but because You are with us, we will be fine.  As we stop and recall Your continuous blessings and faithfulness, we have reason to rise from the ground and celebrate.  May we be renewed and refueled to commit ourselves to You and to serving others in this hurting world. 

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live like we believe it,

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