Friday, September 20, 2024

chew on this

"Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice." Proverbs 13:10

Did you know studies show chewing sugarless gum increases blood flow to the brain which can help memory and the ability to focus?
Gum-chewing students had a 3 percent increase in their standardized math test scores compared with those who did not chew gum. Also, the students who chewed gum had better final grades compared with the non-chompers.
AND, students who chewed gum required fewer breaks, paid better attention and stayed quiet longer than those who did not.
AND, it decreased the appetite and desire to snack.
AND, that tale if you swallow gum it stays in your stomach for years? It's just that -- a tale. Actually, it's passed through the body, not digested.

Do you need to know more?  Not me.
I believe handing out chewing gum is a smart idea at school or work.

But the best advice of all is keep a prayerful, open heart for all entrusted in our care as we seek God's guidance daily. We are never too experienced to keep from learning new facts and Truths.  Spread the Good News... and the gum.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

Thursday, September 19, 2024

thank you

 "...encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone... always try to be kind." 1 Thessalonians 5:14, 15

Every day in many ways, hearts are beating with joy thanks to your encouragement, help, patience, and kindness. YOU matter to me and many others. 

Keep tossing kindness everywhere, even outside the lines of your comfort zone. Because wherever it lands, it's good and needed.

we are loved and chosen  by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

who are you?

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand... For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” Isaiah 41:10, 13

It was a cute assignment to help students learn about each other.  They shared clues about themselves in a "Who am I?" game.  

What clues would you share to describe yourself, if you could only list 4?  Family information, hobbies, favorite items, your job?  Is there one clue about you that is an anchor for all other clues in describing you? 

To answer that question, maybe we should finish this line first, "I can't imagine life without...".

Throughout the day, the response to this question might vary with coffee, chocolates, my phone, my home, my dog, my family or a hundred other ways.  But as a child of God, surely there is one answer etched in stone for every second of our life.

Father, thank You for Your promises and for always being with me.  As i journey through the mountains and valleys of my life, you lead, hold and carry me.  I shudder to think what i would be without You.  Because with You, whatever the day holds, i can lean on You, and You will help me through it.  I am who i am because of You in my life.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

Tuesday, September 17, 2024


"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24

Teamwork matters.  Whether it's teachers, support staff or school administrators, working together for the good of the students benefits everyone.

Our Read-A-Thon reminds me even with our differences teamwork is effective.  For book character day, my teammate and i evolved into Miss Nelson and Viola Swamp. Like in the story, our personalities were as different as sugar and hot sauce. But working together, we created fun, joy, learning and discipline with our students. 

For teamwork to be productive it doesn't take looking, acting, or even believing the same, it just takes desiring the same goal... assisting students in reaching their potential.  Actually, our differences can aid in broadening our thinking and efforts in serving successfully.  

Father, i am praying for teachers and others to discover enthusiasm, joy and hope in our days together.  Together and with You, i am confident this school year will overflow with wonder and blessings.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live love and do like we believe it,

Monday, September 16, 2024

read all about it

 "A glad heart makes a cheerful face..." Proverbs 15:13

School fundraisers can cause sighs and eye rolling,  but you know you've discovered a win-win event when it creates JOY and smiles on everyone's faces.

Our read-a-thon fundraiser is successful on all levels, but especially where it counts most... it raises money to support many activities at school, and it spurs enthusiasm in students about reading.  

Father, living for You is a win-win everyday.  Since we belong first to You, there is reason to live each day in serving You with excitement and JOY, knowing and believing what's to come will be glorious. Whatever the day holds, You will care and provide the support, guidance and strength we need.  Your plans and ways are perfect.  

Read all about it in His Word!  We are victorious in Christ.

we are chosen and loved by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

Friday, September 13, 2024

reign on

"But let all who take refuge in You be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread Your protection over them, that those who love Your name may rejoice in You." Psalm 5:11

The weather, like life, can be unpredictable and harsh. Whether it's showers, torrential downpours, gusty winds, a tropical storm or hurricane, shelter is required from the elements. Shelter is also required for the churning storms and uncertainty within our soul. 

As a child of God, no matter what our day brings, we are under the umbrella of His love and assured of His complete protection.  With God, we have nothing to fear.

Just hold tightly onto Him.  He has a plan, and it is good.  Singing in the rain is possible, thanks to God. He reigns; we sing.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

Thursday, September 12, 2024

feel it and share it

"The LORD did not set His affection on you and choose your because you were more numerous than other peoples (or prettier or smarter or stronger or braver or more successful or sweeter) ...But it was because the LORD loved you!"  Deuteronomy 7:6-6

He was not a lovable person... defiant, stubborn attitude and restless with a wandering mind.  But the teacher dug deep and uncovered a lonely soul.  She then interrupted his reflection of who he was (and how others defined him) and assisted in planting a new direction and purpose and self-definition for himself.

You are His treasured possession... today and every day... just like the children before us are too.
Father, help us to love those who belong to us like You do, to love just because.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

remembering and praying

 "...This is what the LORD, the God of your father, David, says: I  have heard your prayer and seen your tears, I will heal you." 2 Kings 20:5 

When the world around you crumbles, nationally or personally, what do you do?  Initially, we are usually overcome with shock, unable to move. Next, fear and/or anger fill our shattered hearts. Then finally, many of us turn to God and others for comfort, compassion, strength and healing. 

As we pick up the pieces, we realize life is not and never will be the same.  But as believers, we rely on the fact God is still in control.  He can restore trust, love, forgiveness, laughter, caring joy and peace.  With Him, we learn how to live AGAIN.  We don't forget, but we can move on with Him.

Today as we remember 9/11, may we thank God for His faithfulness to us... for sustaining, strengthening, comforting and healing us through storms.

God, You are our Peace. Thank You for what You have done, for what you are doing and for what You will do. May all affected by the trauma and hardships of 9.11.2001 feel our heartfelt prayers through Your Mighty Love.

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

lizard on the loose

"But He said,  'Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!'" Luke 11:28

 "You need to shut the door completely, or a snake or lizard will get in the house." 

"Well, i do shut the door, but when making several trips to the car, i don't bother making sure it shuts completely until my last load.  A little crack for a few seconds is fine."

And then it happened. Going to the bathroom, i saw it in the corner of my eye... a lizard, laid up against the door.  There was no denying it, since i am basically the only one who uses the kitchen door... the guilt of his presence was all mine. 

I heard his word, and halfheartedly obeyed ...bad mistake. Now there is a lizard loose in my house. Unfortunately for my peace of mind, the lizard was not caught.  He found a little crack in the air vent to go who knows where.  All i know now is he will never find a cracked door to exit. 
God gives us clear directions on how to live.  Yet, at times i find myself compromising or questioning His Word.   It is true? Does it really matter? Will this time be ok?  Was it meant for me?   Who will know?  Is it that important?
I obviously don't have all the questions, but this much i do know.  God's Word is true and alive, it is for us and it is for our good.  For the One who loved us enough to give up His Son for our salvation, gives us true guidance and direction on living in peace, joy and harmony... if we listen, trust and obey wholeheartedly. 
we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

let's do it

"Encourage one another daily..."  Hebrews 3:13 

What's good for one is good for all.  No need to pick and choose.

From the youngest to the oldest, it's always right... and it's always needed.
You got this! 

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like believe it,

Friday, September 6, 2024

picture this

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart..." Proverbs 15:30

Today our halls will be lined with shiny faces, styled hair, and colorful clothes...  smiles big and plentiful...  and, momentarily, worries and concerns erased.  

It's picture day at school.  From students to teachers, there will be cheerful, giggly faces around every corner.  Everyone will look party-ready for a sparkling day.

Now, picture this

No tears....
No pain...
No worry...
No heartache...
No loneliness...   


just pure, absolute JOY.
Smile today for the camera because it's school picture day. 
But smile everyday because of what our Father has in store for us at His heavenly gathering. As believers, we can continuously look up and say, "Thank You, Jesus!"

SMILE... no camera needed, just Jesus.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

Thursday, September 5, 2024

just suppose...

 "...encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone... always try to be kind..." 1 Thessalonians 5:14,15

Just suppose....

  • the first smile of their day came from your face
  • patience to teach a new skill came from your heart
  • words of encouragement came only from your lips
  • guidance to complete a task came from your hands  
  • compassion for their hurt came from your soul
  • the only tears cried for their pain fell from your eyes
Would it really make a difference?  Absolutely! YOU are making a impact beyond your understanding.

Random acts of kindness are critical building blocks in creating a mighty fortress in our Father... and bringing others to Him.  May we keep laying that firm foundation one block at a time.

we are chosen and loved by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

seize the moment

 "Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:15-16

Our withering tomato vine was a stark reminder our days were numbered for enjoying lush tomato sandwiches this year. Not wanting the season to end, i chose poorly in allowing the last fruit to sit in its final glory on my windowsill several days.

When I finally picked it up, i instantly knew i had waited too long. There was more rot than good in the fruit. I had blown the last perfect opportunity to enJOY my favorite summertime treat. The decision to wait and devour the tasty treat later actually produced more remorse than JOY.

Missed opportunities, sadly we all experience them ...hugs, a sweet word, an act of kindness, good wishes, conversations, gatherings, celebrations. Whether from postponing, cutting short or crossing off these special moments for JOY, we chance the possibility of losing them forever.

Father, help us become wiser in seizing the good moments before us and riding them out for as long as possible. There are no guarantees in life for tomorrow or even the next second.
"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." Psalm 90:12

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

here's your sign

"set an example for the believers in speech, in life in love, in faith and in purity." 1 Timothy 4:12

Who rules at school?

I'm thankful for the many teachers, assistants, administrators, bus drivers, custodians, cafeteria workers, office staff, nurses, counselors and countless others who choose to nurture our country's most valuable resource... our children. It truly takes an army to raise, guide and protect a child on this worldly battlefield.

Stay confident in your post; you are in a needed, active position for God.  Be the leader, you would want. Praying for you, God's mighty warriors, today in your mission field at school... at home... in your neighborhood.

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

you are loved and chosen by God,
may you live, love and do like you believe it,