Friday, September 6, 2024

picture this

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart..." Proverbs 15:30

Today our halls will be lined with shiny faces, styled hair, and colorful clothes...  smiles big and plentiful...  and, momentarily, worries and concerns erased.  

It's picture day at school.  From students to teachers, there will be cheerful, giggly faces around every corner.  Everyone will look party-ready for a sparkling day.

Now, picture this

No tears....
No pain...
No worry...
No heartache...
No loneliness...   


just pure, absolute JOY.
Smile today for the camera because it's school picture day. 
But smile everyday because of what our Father has in store for us at His heavenly gathering. As believers, we can continuously look up and say, "Thank You, Jesus!"

SMILE... no camera needed, just Jesus.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

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