Tuesday, September 10, 2024

lizard on the loose

"But He said,  'Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it!'" Luke 11:28

 "You need to shut the door completely, or a snake or lizard will get in the house." 

"Well, i do shut the door, but when making several trips to the car, i don't bother making sure it shuts completely until my last load.  A little crack for a few seconds is fine."

And then it happened. Going to the bathroom, i saw it in the corner of my eye... a lizard, laid up against the door.  There was no denying it, since i am basically the only one who uses the kitchen door... the guilt of his presence was all mine. 

I heard his word, and halfheartedly obeyed ...bad mistake. Now there is a lizard loose in my house. Unfortunately for my peace of mind, the lizard was not caught.  He found a little crack in the air vent to go who knows where.  All i know now is he will never find a cracked door to exit. 
God gives us clear directions on how to live.  Yet, at times i find myself compromising or questioning His Word.   It is true? Does it really matter? Will this time be ok?  Was it meant for me?   Who will know?  Is it that important?
I obviously don't have all the questions, but this much i do know.  God's Word is true and alive, it is for us and it is for our good.  For the One who loved us enough to give up His Son for our salvation, gives us true guidance and direction on living in peace, joy and harmony... if we listen, trust and obey wholeheartedly. 
we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

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