Monday, September 16, 2024

read all about it

 "A glad heart makes a cheerful face..." Proverbs 15:13

School fundraisers can cause sighs and eye rolling,  but you know you've discovered a win-win event when it creates JOY and smiles on everyone's faces.

Our read-a-thon fundraiser is successful on all levels, but especially where it counts most... it raises money to support many activities at school, and it spurs enthusiasm in students about reading.  

Father, living for You is a win-win everyday.  Since we belong first to You, there is reason to live each day in serving You with excitement and JOY, knowing and believing what's to come will be glorious. Whatever the day holds, You will care and provide the support, guidance and strength we need.  Your plans and ways are perfect.  

Read all about it in His Word!  We are victorious in Christ.

we are chosen and loved by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

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