Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm late! I'm late!

"I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14

I felt like Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland.... I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!
Preparing for the Christian Writers Conference this past weekend, i found myself in a tizzy Friday morning. My to-do list was half complete, and it was time to go.  Gathering my papers, i slammed the car door and hit the road... only to then remember, i forgot to put on any makeup.  There was no time to return home and coverup the real me. How could i possibly make a good first impression looking so rough?

But isn't that how God wants us to come before Him?  In the raw.  Hiding nothing, being totally honest and letting all our blemishes, failures and shortcomings show?  The funny thing is He already knows about them, and loves us anyway. He knows every weakness, failure and insecurity stitched in our being. Our biggest failure is not trusting and have faith in His love for us; therefore, we work continuously to camouflage the real us... 
how we look
how we feel
how we think
how we hurt
how we doubt

What's the most likely scenario when God sees the real us?  According to His Word, to love us still. Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever. Do we stand to lose anything by just being ourselves? Yes - fears, anxieties, doubts, pain, and anger to name a few.  He who made us, knows us and loves us... just as we are -- His beloved children.  Thank You, Father!

Leave off your makup and be real-up with God. He has a gift waiting for you, He's Peace.  Would you like to have it today?

have a peace-filled day!

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