Monday, April 14, 2014

We're back... smile!

"...REJOICE that your names are written in heaven."  Luke 10:20

A Monday morning, dreary weather, early waking hours, and a return to lesson plans.  Were you ready for it?  I'm guessing yawns and long faces will provide the answer.  After a week off for Spring break, obnoxious alarms this morning reminded all there is more work to do.  But don't despair, smile!  Because a longer break is coming soon!

Through music, sermons, the Word, and other believers we get glimpses and reminders of heaven here on earth.  Those times are true gifts providing hope, encouragement, and an assurance that God has so much more in store for us.  But for now, we still have work to do.  We are called to be Jesus with skin on.  Share, care and help prepare the way for others to be with our heavenly Father one day too.

have a thank-filled day!

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