Friday, May 9, 2014

why we love moms

The LORD says...
"As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you..." Isaiah 66:13

The top ten reasons I love my Mom...

The students' lists were different, but alike --  I love my Mom because she:

reads to me, helps me talk, make me laugh, tells me jokes, plays with me, taught me how to write, worries about my safety, sings about how much she loves me, takes me to the park, cooks cookies.

As different as their moms were, their lists were too.  The lists varied in specific reasons of why they loved their mom. But they were alike in the fact they loved their moms from her doing and giving... and not from materialist stuff.

Comfort is a crucial need in our life. As a mother comforts her child, He comforts us. God uses a mother's love to describe His own feeling.  Caring deeply for another, we sacrifice self for their welfare.

Comfort... it is what mother's do best.  It is what God considers an essential element to our peace -- with Him and others.

Thank you, to the many mothers who spread, share and give comfort to others daily.  Whether a mother-by-blood or a mother-by-heart, you are a blessing. And God is smiling at you, His good and faithful servant... His shining witness to comfort.

For all the comfort you provide to others, Happy Mother's Day!

have a blessing-filled day!

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