Wednesday, May 11, 2016

hard days...

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up..." 1 Thessalonians 5:11

It was just one of those days.  Each hour seemed to bring its own share of misery, disappointment and pain.  As minutes slowly dripped off the clock,  the weight of my heart increased.
Then it happened.

As i passed by Lee, he said, "You are a good librarian."
"What? What did you say?"
"You are a good librarian."

The second grader had no idea of the power of his words at that precise moment for me. It was an unexpected and unmerited compliment, but one that lifted my spirit and heart out of the ravine... reminding me my present trial would not last forever.  May we never, never, never underestimate the power of a kind word. 

Thank You, Father, for providing the nudges. Let us hear and do.

friend, we are loved and chosen  by God,

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