Monday, June 21, 2021

the longest day

"Let the light of Your face shine upon us, O Lord... I will lie down and sleep in peace, for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety."  Psalm 4:6,8

Yesterday was literally the longest day of the year.  With the June solstice boasting of the maximum amount of daylight, there was more time for sun-filled activities. Yet for most of us, we quickly equate "the longest day" to difficult days...

waiting for test results
healing from a loss
recovering from an injury
surviving a broken relationship
completing a complicated task
needing a new start
trying unwanted circumstances

Father, may we remember when we face our longest day, it will not last forever. Exhaustion, fear and doubt may overtake us during the day, but You do not leave us there alone in the dark.  In Your perfect time we see Your Hand and are reminded it is never pulled away from us.  We are always surrounded and covered by Your brilliant light and love.  Thank You for ending our longest days in glory to You.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,


I've been informed by blogger that emails will no longer be supported by on any blogsite.  This means if you receive my devotions by email, you will no longer receive them starting in July.

I am trying to solve the problem by finding what and how I can add a new email server to my blog.  Unfortunately, technology is not a strength for me, I am struggling.  At this point while I am unsuccessful in making an email transition, starting in July you will need to access my blog in one of two ways: 

1.   look up the blog via the website - 

2.   access through facebook and like my page - Teacher Devotions

I have downloaded/saved you and all my email contacts from my blog.  If I can locate a new email server and add it to my blogsite, I will reinstall the email feature and resume emailing... just don't know how or how long this will take me.  Pray for guidance for me.  Thank you.

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