Tuesday, August 6, 2024

are you ready?

"I will extol the LORD at all times; His praise will always be on my lips... I sought the LORD and He answered me; He delivered me from all my fears."  Psalm 34:1, 4

Storms are on the horizon. Gusty winds of uncertainty are swirling.  Unanswered questions fill the minds of all in the path.  For me and many today is the first day of school.  How do you see the forecast?

Will the fallout from changes be manageable?  Will people heed to the guidelines set by authorities? Will leaders respond swiftly to unexpected issues?  Will the temperature set be comfortable for all? Am i ready to do what's needed?  Sometimes the answers don't surface until you are amid the storm, or even after it has passed.

Honestly, i have far more questions than answers this morning about the year ahead. But the peace in my heart is Rock solid because i have traveled unfamiliar, unwanted paths with God before.  And as painful or uncomfortable as some of the trips have been, they ended good.  Want to know why?  Because at the end of our journey, i discover Our relationship has strengthen, my faith has grown, and along the way He revealed unexpected blessings. 

So, as i prepare to walk out my door, why should i expect things to be any different?  As in the past, i have plenty of unanswered questions for what lies ahead. Yet, is God not still God? Am i not still the apple of His eye? Does He not say He will never, never leave me?  Does He not still walk with me, and at times even carry me on the thorny paths? 

I will trust God for today, tomorrow and each day that follows.  He has proven Himself faithful to me over and over again... and not because of anything i did, but solely because i belong to Him.  Would He just stop?  I don't think so.  When life is most confusing and frustrating, we need to bear in mind, He knows and cares for our complete well being. He is able to present us at any moment with a delightful surprise.

So, are you ready to walk out the door with me this morning to see what the day holds?  Come on, my friend, and may His Light shine brightly in us and through us to others.  Let's step boldly ahead holding tightly to the One who loves us best.

I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under (your oppression), I will free you from (captivity) and I will redeem you with an outstretched Arm and with mighty acts of judgment. I am the LORD your God...

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

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