Thursday, August 8, 2024

you are great!

 Jesus said...

"... feed My lambs.John 21:15

Sweat is dripping, eyes are glazed, words are few and the clock is ticking.  Teachers are frantically putting their rooms together before students return on Monday.  But yesterday we took time out for our annual school district meeting.  And it was GREAT!

Focused on the theme "Going for Great", we were reminded of what true greatness is... the ability and success of bringing out greatness in others.  As we celebrated the success of fellow coworkers and schools, it was easy to see many have already established this mission in their heart and soul.  

Students will eagerly arrive Monday morning, and they will not leave disappointed. Instead, they will return home filled with excitement and joy.  But it won't be because of your cute name tags or folders, nor your creative bulletin boards,  nor your enticing centers.  It will be because of your smileyour wordsyour hugsyour dreams for the year, your acceptance of them, your excitement over them belonging to you. This is what they will remember because you are a GREAT teacher!

In the final hours, before the sun breaks and students return on Monday morning, don't stress over what you haven't finished, but instead feel thrilled about what is about to begin! It's going to be a GREAT year.  The most important tools are already firmly in place... your devotion, love and passion for teaching.  

So, hang up your hat with JOY, partner!  YOU are the most important element in your room.  You've got this.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live, love and do like we believe it,

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