Monday, January 14, 2013

back to normal...

"But encourage one another daily..." Hebrews 3:13

The tree is chucked, tinsel trashed and lights tossed in the attic.  All is back to normal.  Or is it?

The past few weeks i have come to the realization, normality does not exist, at least not like in the movies.  Truly, normality is about coping daily with difficult decisions, unwanted surprises and unplanned issues.  When a family member was diagnosed with depression recently, i wanted to learn more about it and my role as a support person.

In my normal routine of listening to Christian radio, reading His Word and praying, God provided insight and wisdom to wonderful sources.  And God, in His normal Amazement, revealed the information was not for me alone.  Within days, a devotional sister was asking for prayer in a God-incidental, identical situation. Because my personal situation was still so fresh, pride almost kept me quiet, as least for awhile. 

Thank You, Father, for reminding me we are here to serve others daily.  Help keep my self out of the away and not withhold encouragement to another for a single day when i have the ability to give it.  Let my true normal always start with You.

have a doing-filled day!

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