Wednesday, February 5, 2014

what are you passing?

"But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." James 3:17

He had the flu.  And the nasty virus zapped the life out of him.  There was much concern over who might catch it next in our home.  So with disinfectant in hand, i went from room to room spraying and wiping to kill the virus and stop it's spread.  As best we could, we isolated him from human contact until his temperature dropped.  He was contagious, and anyone is his path was in danger of catching the nasty bug.
What are you passing on to others?  Is it good or bad?  Discouragement, encouragement... rumors, truths... threats, understanding... hate, love... hurt, compassion. 

If it's the wisdom from God, pass it on!  We are all in need Him.  If what you are passing on is Satan-infested germs, pray for a thorough cleansing from our Father and isolate yourself with Him until He heals you from the virus.  Don't let it zap the life out of you and others.

have a good-filled day!

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