Wednesday, February 22, 2012

how is your battery?

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

How is your spiritual battery?  Is it sputtering on low due to the time of year, uncertainty of relationships, the demands of the day or unpredictable economics?  Do you need a spiritual jump start or refueling?  One thing for sure, i can always use a refueling of Him. 

Today is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent… the forty days of meditation in preparation for Easter.  Its purpose is for us to give up (sacrifice) something and to fill that void with our Father or to simply add more of Him to our day.  Lent is the perfect time to recharge our spiritual battery by strengthening that connection with our Father, acknowledging our dependency on Him and giving Him thanks in all things.  He is our one eternal, never-ending Source of true Power for everything.  May Lent be a time of thankful preparation for you as you get your heart and mind ready for a glorious, joyous Easter celebration.

When deciding what to sacrifice for Lent, here are some things to remember…
A true sacrifice is giving something that costs
It must be done for the right reason
It’s not about competing or having bragging rights, but honoring our Father
And, most importantly, remembering that the ultimate sacrifice was made for you and me.

So, give it up, and fill up with Him!

Have a thank-filled day!

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