Sunday, February 26, 2012

watch out! big head ahead

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding..."Proverbs 3:5

Coming down the mountain this weekend was far more exhausting than the climb up.  While on the mountain top at The Cove i devoured a wealth of information from the Christian Devotions workshop. So it would be true to say, i ate the whole thing... and it was good!  But equally as important as learning sharper writing skills, i enjoyed incredible fellowship with other writers. All last week i kept misspelling workshop with worship. Oddly enough, it now makes sense because it was also a worship event with much sharing, encouraging, laughter and praying. 

Now back at home, my mind is bulging with exciting, new information to absorb, digest and use.  But right now, i'm digesting a pound of frozen yogurt and then napping. For me, all good things and times need to include a period of rest... that's what brain surgery taught me, and that is a good thing.

Will i remember all i read, heard or learned?  Probably not, but that's okay.  I'm going to trust God will prompt me to recall all He intends for me.  Relinquishing control to Him is not easy, but it's what i know will provide me with true peace and rest.  Trust in Him for your peace of mind too.

have a rest-filled day!


  1. I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.
