Monday, July 23, 2018

WTLB... lean

"This is what he showed me:  The Lord was standing by a wall that had been built true to plumb, with a plumb line in his hand." Amos 7:7

Bible Gateway explains the plumb line referenced above in this way: "A cord weighted with lead that is used in building to check that vertical structures are true. It is used symbolically to refer to the divine standard against which God, the builder of his people, tests and judges them."  
I have so much respect for builders and craftsmen who check their work carefully to ensure structural soundness. Evidently, God expects His people to "build true to plumb" as well.  However, we may occasionally find ourselves leaning and on occasion, depending on our circumstances and stress levels, close to collapsing. Thank goodness, when God convicts us of a need to "straighten up," He also supplies the strength and the encouragement by which to get realigned.  

My cousin Bob pastors a church where members of the congregation feel free to offer heartfelt honest prayers.  One of my favorites was shared by an elderly lady who understood the challenge of remaining upright:  "Lord, prop us up on all our leaning sides."

I'm glad God wants us to LEAN on Him as well as the godly friends and family He provides to "prop us up on all our leaning sides." 

Have a "plumb" wonderful week!
Dalene Parker, guest blogger
Words to Live By:  One Word a Week (pages 259-264)

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