Thursday, July 2, 2020

have you lost your identity?

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
The newly bought car wouldn't sputter, much less start, and a "Key ID incorrect" was the message flashing on the dashboard. Now what? So I did what most people do, i searched Google for an answer. Then i contacted auto part stores, mechanics and car lots. The most popular answer, install a new battery, wasn't successful, and it appeared paying for the key to be reprogrammed would be necessary. But, my Mr. Right-at-Home had a different opinion... need to check the battery. No one else suggested such an issue. I had searched country-wide for a solution, and the right answer was inside my own home. A dead battery was the culprit for the car losing its identity.

Have you ever lost your identity, or had it questioned?  In this day and time, it is easy to lose one's identity and even one's religion. We are questioned and judged  about our decisions, attitudes and actions.  The world demands and has expectations for what they consider successful and acceptable.  But God has another. He says, I love you enough so that if you just believe in My Son, you will have eternal life.  Simple Truth, Simple Love, Simple Life.

So how is your spiritual battery? Fully charged, flickering or dead in the gutter?  Is it sputtering on faulty, loose connections due to the time of year, uncertainty of relationships, health issues, the demands of the day or unpredictable circumstances?  Do you need a spiritual jump start or refueling?  One thing for sure, i can always use a refueling of Him. 

Father, i need more of You everyday of my life. I'm more aware than ever before of my need to recharge my spiritual battery daily, strengthening my connection with You and in You.  In our current chaos i acknowledge my dependency on You for peace of mind and soul. You are my one eternal, never-ending Source of true Power for everything.  Thank You, Father, for being my All in All.

Sit still, friends, and allow yourself to be fully charged with Him. He will not fail us. All things are possible with God, our Victorious Father.

we are loved and chosen by God,
may we live like we believe it,

note: if there is no devotional tomorrow, it is because i decided to take the day off to be with Someone Special. <3 

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