Sunday, June 16, 2013

where's your Daddy?

"He guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way. All the ways of the LORD are loving and faithful for those who keep the demands of His covenant." Psalm 25:9-10

Death and serious illness drove me back home earlier this week. Anxiety first jumped in the suitcase for the four-hour drive. But the week long visit quickly filled my heart with joy instead.

First, the anticipated drive alone was cut in half, when God-incidentally made way for my Aunt Mary  to accompany me for half the trip. Then, someone i met helped me reconnect with my college roomy, Kathy. All unexpected blessings at a needed time.

But the biggest blessing of all.... Daddy time.  During a time of sadness and stress, i witnessed Daddy love and take care of family, friends and even customers in his tire store. He's not only a daddy to me and my brother, but to others.  His kind, compassionate and protective nature flows over to others in need.  And my brother, Eddie, walks in his steps... a daddy to many -- not by blood but by the heart.

Happy Father's Day to the many who give, guide, share, teach and love all who look up to them.  Thank You, God, for all these special daddies, of the past and present. My Good Father (on earth and heaven) makes me happy, happy, happy.  I love you, Daddy.

have a love-filled day!

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